Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dear Diary Thursday....

I have discovered a very small problem that I have....I am unable to relax. When I get home from work, I can sit down for a maximum of 30 minutes to eat dinner and watch a tv show....sometimes even up to an hours. And that is it. I am not sure when this all happened, when I totally because so out of control with my nerves that I am unable to enjoy time to rest, but I can't. And when I sleep, I toss and turn all night, not really resting. And my dreams wake me every few moments....vivid and horrible. I know I am on my way to complete breakdown due to exhaustion....and I am kinda looking forward to it. I was thinking about all of this while driving in to work this morning, thinking about all of the things that I "have to do" this weekend, when it dawned on me what a co-workers said to me yesterday....."I can't sit still and relax even if given a tranquilizer and my butt was nailed to a chair." And it is true. I need to work on that and change it. I really don't have to do ANYTHING this weekend....the world won't stop, people won't quit breathing, the planet will still continue, if I decide not to clean, do laundry, work in my yard, etc etc etc. I just need to start focusing on me, what my body and psyche are trying to tell me, and take a little time to just stop....and breathe.

I also found out last night that my favorite cousin in the whole world has bladder cancer. It was just diagnosed yesterday, so I really have not had a chance to talk to them as the information has been just to hard on the family right now. However, I am going to stay positive and we are going to get through this as a strong family. If I can get through my Mom getting aoritc aneurysm surgery and my Daddy breaking his neck and then undergoing extensive evasive testing for his heart....and all of us coming out stronger for these trials....I can get my cousins through this as well.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dear Diary Wednesday....


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dear Diary Tuesday...

Dylan seems to be on the mend and no longer is hacking up pieces of his lungs, so life is getting back to normal.

I have a new schedule at my work and my days now end at 3:30....unless I choose to stay later, which I probably will most days since we can have all the OT we want right now. I am still loving this place, even though it has its own set of problems. It is just nice to be appreciated for doing my job, not only by words but also by wage!

I am planning a weekend of yardwork. I am going to get some flowers and get my folks garden planted. I might even do some housecleaning...but we will see. I absolutely plan on getting back into the rythm of having Sunday to myself and I believe I will spend that day doing laundry AND watching a whole bunch of movies!!!

Piss and moan for the day: If you suggest to me that you want to go do something, then PLAN IT. It is not my responsibility to make all the plans on something that you suggested that you wanted to do.