Friday, August 17, 2007

Dear Diary Friday....

What a crazy 24 hours!

Last night at about 7:00, Dylan's Mom called to say that his Grandmother was "failing rapidly" and the doctor's and staff had decided it was time to call in the family. Now, this woman has "failed" many, many times and always manages to rally back to health....maybe the reason she is 99 years old. But in the midst of this, I find out that the staff gave this 99 year old woman OXYCONTIN! What the fuck are you thinking giving a 99 year old woman, who weighs about 70 lbs an OPIATE!

So, I called Dylan let him know what was going on, and in the meantime his mom probably called a dozen times to give him updates, so he finally decided it was time to leave work and go to be with his Grandmother. He stayed until almost midnight and come to find out, she is nearing the end and is in a stage of transition where her body continuously feels it needs to be moving. They finally had to give her a couple of sedatives to settle her down.

Then I come in and they have posted the new renovations and seating chart for our floor....and I am sitting right by my boss and my bosses boss! Yep, I am so excited. They put four of us together that are ALWAYS on conference should make for some interesting times since I continously drop the "F bomb".


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