Dear Diary Monday...
The weekend did not turn out as planned AND I hate sprinklers. That pretty much sums up how my entire weekend turned out.
Friday, we took Coal and Helga-Joe to get their hair done. Coal ended up having to have his whole tail shaved off because it had mats in it....which I didn't even know he had mats in it because it was so fluffy and pretty! So, now he looks like he has a bottlebrush on the end of his tale. Cute, but strange looking. While that was going on, Dylan and I got our Costco shopping done and had dinner. That was pretty much the extent of spending time with my husband this last weekend due to him working the rest of it due to a co-worker being out sick.
Saturday, I spent the day working on sprinklers and doing a bunch of small projects around the house that I have been putting off (got all of the laundry done, got the windows all cleaned, got the freezer cleaned out, etc etc etc). Dylan had to sleep all day and all night to get caught up on the lack of sleep from the week of working OT. He got up for 30 minutes to have dinner with me and then got up to go to work...that was pretty much all I saw of him.
Sunday, I just was not in a good mood and so I spent the morning working on sprinkler problems AGAIN and then did NOTHING the rest of the day. I didn't even go and visit my folks, that is how bad of a mood I was in. I let PMS take over yesterday and just sat on the couch like a slug. Dylan got up and went to the store and brought us home dinner and then headed to work again.
Hopefully my husband won't be working as much OT this week and I might actually get to spend some time with him, but we will see what happens.
Oh, the bad voices....
W H A T E V E R ! ! !
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