Monday, April 09, 2007

Dear Diary Monday...

When I got into work this morning....75 e-mails and all of them were some kind of problem that I needed to respond to and work on ASAP. Don't you love starting a Monday out like that? Plus, I started back on my High Protein/Low Carb Cambridge Diet with full gusto again and so I was HUNGRY most of the morning (I had a 20 g protein powerbar, beef jerky, a diet coke, and a WHOLE bunch of water) so I was not happy with that. I just HATE Mondays. And then top all of that off with my poor hubby calling me at 11:30, when he should have been asleep for almost 3 hours, to let me know he had not been to sleep yet because he had a horrible case of heartburn that kept him up AND one of our drains had blocked up and he had to fix it! Oh, I REALLY HATE Mondays!!! But now it is 1:20 pm, I have less than two hours to go before I can go home, so I think I will be okay. I plan on making a really good dinner and visiting with my folks for a little while. I am not sure what I am making, but since my poor hubby is also going into work EARLY, I am gonna try and make it really, really good....if not LARGE so he can take leftovers for his lunch.


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