Friday, May 06, 2005

Dear Diary Friday...

Mood...fucking lousy.

Yep, that is the mood I woke up in this morning. I have a really piss-poor attitude about just about everything. Here are somethings I am contemplating/venting about....if you don't like it, stop reading here, fuck off, and go to another blog:

1. Why do I keep this stupid blog going? I found out that not even my fiance' reads it anymore.
2. Why do I keep working at this company? I am told that I am going to be off the phones, I am going to be doing a more specialized job working with clients. Know what I am doing? EXACTLY what I was doing before PLUS more work.
3. I get into work yesterday and the customer service supervisor comes back from Hawaii and proceeds to SCREAM at me ON THE FLOOR in front of everyone because she is upset that somebody that she does not like (not even ME) was allowed access to her computer and e-mail. Yes, on top of everything else that I do at this company, I am also the punching bag/venting person. Have a bad day....go fucking scream at Lorene about it!
4. I hate it when I am scheduled out two or three weeks in advance.....EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.
5. FUCK!

Nope, didn't make me feel better in the least.


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