Snowy Day......
The drive in was good until the man in front of me started to slide off of 1300 East and I hit the same patch of ice. It sucked.
Work has been really good today. I got my desk cleaned off, have kept my faxes up and current, and even got a minute to do this blog! Now that is the kind of day that I like. However, with every silver lining comes the black cloud and my black cloud is THE GRUNTER. She is having medical problems, pretty nasty ones, and it looks like she is going to milk the situation for everything. This week and next I would put a beat that she will be in maybe a total of 2 days....if that. SOOOOO, I am sure that her work will roll down to the rest of us! Oh well.
Oh, and today is Jer-Bear's official b-day....make sure to send him a happy birthday note.
Still looking forward to the weekend.....
Oh, the bad voices....
W H A T E V E R ! ! !
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