Thursday, January 17, 2002

Good day.....home.......

I confided to my boss yesterday that today would be a good day for me to be "sick" and she agreed, so I got to have a day to myself, doing nothing but relaxing, must to the dismay of the parents. But, oh well.

I am dismayed. Why am I one of those freak women that retains water the week AFTER her period and not before or doing?

Yesterday was a good day at work. I worked three more comp hours, finsihed up all of the necessary stuff that needed to be done to have today off. I will be going in early tomorrow to see how bad my desk is. Hopefully when I leave work tomorrow, I will have every issue completed. Yesterday was also an amusing day at work. A person, who use to be a very good friend of mine, who is a supervisor, has come to show her true colors. I heard from a friend of hers to be careful because she would "step on anybody to make a name for herself in the company, including friends", and, well, she tried to use me as one of those stepping stones. The amusing part is that she tried to do this with a higher up who has taken me into her good graces and seems to adore me. So, my "friend" has fucked herself in my light and the light of "the powers that be". I enjoy Karma so very much!

Weekend is still looking busy, but good. I think I am at the ending stages of my ickiness and so I will be enjoying the weekend. I get to have a "daddy/daughter" day and go to the International Car Expo with my worst fear is walking out with a vehicle or two. Then a hockey game, and then Sunday to spend the evening at a b-day party. Oh, and I am scared because the "Wanna-be-Mexican" is going to be there and I am sure he is as surly as always. Oh well, there will be amusement all around for me to entertain myself!


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