Thursday, November 01, 2001

<b>The Day after......

Well, it was an excellent HALLOWEEN. I carved 55 pumpkins, delivered 12 of them, saved the rest for me. The yard was ablaze with pumpkin, faces twinkling, evil grins, what more can a girl ask for! And yes, the spells and blessings that went out at the beginning of Samhain went just fine. All in all, one of the best Halloweens ever. Oh, and the anniversary was wonderful too, Dylan.

Did I mention that there are 364 days until Halloween?

Okay, off of Halloween, for the moment. Work is going really well. I have a new project and I am enjoying it...kinda. Apparently "grunter" really messed up and so they removed her responsiblities, she looks like a giant ass, and have given them to me. Now, in my book, if you screwed up as often and as horribly as "grunter" does, you should be fired. Apparently not here.


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