Friday, October 19, 2001


Okay, let me just say that Toni is in a deep pile of bad witchy shit!!!! She has "outed" me to a co-workers who is all AGAINST HALLOWEEN! Now, the co-worker is going to hell anyways for being against Halloween, but that is not the issue!!!!! The only good that would come out of this is if I would be able to scare her so much by being a witch that she would either 1) quit, or 2) stay away from Toni! But she seems to be completely interested in me now that I am a witch! So Toni, frog warts for you!!!!

Work was actually fun today. I planned a food day for customer service and it turned out wonderfully. Then I have talked my boss into a "dress down Tuesday" because we are having potential investors come in on Wednesday and they want us to clean. Then I got to do another "project" today which turned out that I accidentally ratted out a co-worker who did not do her job, so it is making me look good...that will come to bite me in the ass if I milk it, which I WON'T!

Going to dinner tonight with my sister and her roommate! The roommate has been clean now for 6 years so we are going out to celebrate! I was thinking about getting drunk at dinner, but my sister said it wouldn't be appropriate, so I think I am gonna do it anyways.

Oh, only 11 more days to Halloween!

What am I gonna do with my Skattie....that poor boy is more sick than any other human being on this planet. I think I am putting together a care package for him filled with Taco Bell Burritos, hot sauce, some Nyquil, echinecia and golden seal, a new warm blankie, lavendar, and some green tea. That should make anybody feel better. Oh, and some beer....good beer, not icky Budweiser or some shit like that.

And my Jeffy........where is my Jeffy?????


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