Monday, January 19, 2004

Dear Diary Monday...

Congratulations to me for not killing people at work today!

It was one of those days....One co-worker called in sick because her daughter had a fever, my boss was off today, one had to leave because her mother is in the hospital and possibly not going to make it, and then I had to send one home because I could not stand her drama anymore! How do you "suddenly" get acid reflux and "suddenly" find out you have a doctor's appointment?? The other folks that were out had very justifiable reason...The one who's daughter has a fever ended up taking her dog to the vet and having it put to sleep ON TOP of a sick kid with no ex-husband to help her because he is a piece of shit! The "acid reflux" woman just decided that it was too stressful today (we had a major call volume) and decided to have her own drama! I can not stand people like that! Anyways, I handled everything in stride, managed to get a lot done, kept a good sense of humor, and kept everyone that was in my department laughing. All in all, we had a great time today!

And another congratulations to me! I joined Weight Watchers last week and my official "weigh in" is tomorrow. I have kept it pretty low key as I wanted to make sure that I was going to stick with this and I LOVE IT! I have been talking and thinking about it now for over two years and thanks to some wonderful inspirations at my work, and some fantastic friends, I joined and am LOVING IT! It is so simple, I love the meetings, and the support I am finding is overwhelming. The very few people I have told have been very interested in how I am doing and can not believe the energy I have and the positive change it has given me. And to be honest, I wanted a lifestyle change, not another fad diet. Ask me about fad diets, I think I have tried them all!!! But learning how to eat healthy has been wonderful! And don't even get me started about the gym! I went again tonight and did two miles on the track and 100 stomach crunches and still have a bunch of energy!!! And eating out? It is SOOOOOOO simple...I can eat anything but need to watch my portions!

For those few who I have shared this with and who have been so supportive and so full of love, my deepest and sincerest thanks. I have a lot of wonderful people in my life and am grateful to the Goddess each and every day for them.

Positive thought for the day: Be supportive to those in need, to those in dire straight, and the energy you give will come back. Also, allow yourself the same support from others when you are lacking in the energy.


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