Monday, January 12, 2004

Dear Diary Monday...

Today was an insanely busy day at work because of it being Monday and because we had two people out sick. We are unfortunately experiencing a lot of cold and flu this year and will the amount of women I work with, their kids are getting it too. I did manage to get almost every single project completed that I had set for myself, except for working on our appeals, which directly effects our bonuses. Tomorrow, if all goes well, that will be my one and only priority. Oh, and cleaning out my bosses e-mail.

Gym was great today. Many of the people who started their New Year's Resolutions of working out have already quit, so the gym is not nearly as packed. My mom and I did two miles of fast cardio walking and talked the entire time and it was great! I was so sweaty and stinky by the time we left that I could not wait to get home and into a tub. I know that sounds pretty disgusting, but I know from the sweat and the "good feeling" of fatigue in my muscles, that I had a wonderful workout. And have I mentioned the increase in energy?

Speaking of energy, I am sending out lots of energy to the Tonster.....she was pretty damn sick at work today...whiter than normal and with fever. I am hoping she will not be the next casualty at work. I am keeping her in my prayers and in my blessings.

Positive thought for the day: Feeling the body move in a healthy fashion is a blessing....along with the sweat and the fatigue! Keep yourself motivated because of the amount of energy it is bringing to you.


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