Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Dear Diary Wednesday...

Current dad is going in for emergency surgery tomorrow. He has a ruptured hernia and a very large cyst on his prostate. It is going to be outpatient surgery and the outlook is very good. Unfortunately, in finding out about this, it also finally came out how much pain my Daddy has been enduring...and very needlessly.

Work has been aggravating. I am the only researcher this week and I was not planning on being gone on Thursday. Fortunately, my acting supervisor has been in my shoes with her own father, so she gave me the time off without so much as a blink. And my co-workers, all but two, have completely stepped up and taken on the responsibilities for tomorrow. That is why, for the most part, I love working where I do.

I will keep you updated....

Oh, and don't forget that a certain beautiful blond hair blue boy honey-bear named Shane is turning 30 this weekend......


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