Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Dear Diary Tuesday....

It was a better day. Toni finally pushed me to the ground and stuck grass up my nose and pulled the huge stick out of my ass and I vented to her, and things are better. It is wonderful to have somebody that is so close to me, that loves me for all of my flaws, would punch anybody in the nose for me, and might even kick a puppy for me.....and loves me anyways. Thanks Toni for being such a great friend. Oh, and your boss can kiss my ass for not treating you the way you have proven you should be treated and deserve!

Work is still me coming in, sitting down, shutting up, doing my job, going home. It pretty much is driving everyone insane, but I am getting a lot accomplished. I am not being rude, I am being very pleasant and nice, but keeping everyone at a distance. I no longer feel the need to go above and beyond and kill myself for my job. I no longer feel the need to punish myself when EVERYTHING is not perfect or not accomplished. I do what I can do, I am proud of what I do, I go home.

Today was also the annual pap, or as I lovingly call it..."the annual poke and tickle." Unfortunately, this year....not much tickling. For some reason, and it gets kind of gross here......I am very "tight" and get more so when I am nervous. Soooo, when she finally did get me open to do the "tickle" part, it really scraped and now I am bleeding and very raw....and not so much in a good way. Because of that, I am kinda bitchy and did not go to the gym. Oh well. At least it is over for another year.

Thought for me.....keep up the positive channeling of energy. Keep channeling positive energy to those that need it and give it back.


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