Thursday, December 19, 2002

Dear Diary Thursday....

Oh my gosh! I am so tired I could sleep on a bed of nails and be comfy! We had our company Christmas party, which was very nice, and we got to leave early, which was even better. The only downside is the fact that by the time I left I had such a migraine that I wanted to scream. I had to stop on the way home to pick up my dad's Christmas present and then came home to take care of my baby, who is doing very well and is very ornery, which is adorable. I still have the damn migraine, but hopefully a nice hot bubble bath and going to bed early will help out a great deal. Oh, and sleep, much needed sleep. Getting up ridiculously early every day is not doing the body good. Also, looking at the MOUND of Christmas gifts that I need to wrap is doing not so much for me either. Oh well, it is almost here and almost over with, and that makes me happy. And can you believe I still have not finished decorating?? We just fished out the rest of the decorations that we will be putting up and hopefully, by Saturday, all will be decorated, I will have started my wrapping, the shopping will be complete. Oh weekend, where are you???

And can I also just say that a very special man in my life is going to get such a pinch when I see him for making me cry because I was all worried about him, just to find out he is alright....yep, a huge pinch is a coming......


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