Thursday, July 18, 2002

Good ending....

Left work on a happy note. The "asshole" on my group who drives me to insanity almost daily was put in his place....AGAIN....but instead of by me, it was my boss. He spends the majority of his day not doing is paperwork, but playing solitaire. He has already been caught and reprimanded, but proceeds to do it anyways. Well, my boss watched him all day do this and at around 3:00 told him if he doesn't have anything to do, she will find something. Well, he decides to get lipy with her and she PROFESSIONALLY put his ass in its place and he sulked the rest of the time I was was delightful since the last time he got an ass-chewing it was from me and out of line.

So, after I get off work, mom and I head down to the mall and I got my nails' done. The Tiger stripe stuff was driving me crazy so now they are a pretty pink, white flowers, and little diamonds in the center on each ring finger. Very girly, but that is the kind of mood I am in. I am trying to come down off of a few weeks of unnecessary stress and enjoy life a little more this week and next.....especially since it is mine AND Janet's b-day.

Oh, and speaking of Janet, she and I are discovering some SCARY similarities that only start with the fact that her b-day is one day ahead of mine...but we won't go into that now....that is more girlie stuff between she and I......tee hee........


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