Monday, February 07, 2005

Dear Diary Monday...


I did not believe Dylan when he said we would have snow on Sunday but guess what I woke up to this morning!! Good thing I like snow.

Weekend was good. Dylan and I went to the Olive Garden on Friday and then to see "Boogeyman" which was a disappointment. But fortunately the evening with Dylan made up for it. Saturday I scrubbed the house while he put in some overtime and then we went to the Netzlers for an AWESOME dinner and fantastic company. I am so impressed with how the basement turned out. Thanks again Toni and Rob!! Sunday I came into work and then crashed and watched the Superbowl until I was so tired I went to bed. My body is fighting off a bit of a cold so I am letting it get as much sleep as it needs. There is nothing better for your immune system than sleep.

The drive through the snow this morning was fun. I actually managed to skid across ALL lanes of traffic on the freeway and come inches from the guardrail on an overpass....all without hitting another vehicle, stopping my car, OR damaging the guardrail! YEAH!!!! It was a few seconds of terror, but nothing out of the ordinary. PLUS, it happens to be a curve on the freeway that I do slow down because I know how icy it gets, so all's good.

I am irritated today. I told two people some news on Friday and by Friday afternoon the ENTIRE company seemed to know about it. These were two people that I thought I could trust, I believed could keep their mouth's shut, but I was wrong. It is nothing major that the company would not find out about, but it is still irritating when you can't trust somebody you had believed you could. Oh well, another valuable lesson taught to me by the Fates. There are reasons why I don't hang out with co-workers, other than Toni, and this is one of those reasons.

Here is to wishing you all a fabulous Monday!!


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