Monday, April 19, 2004

Dear Diary Monday...

I had a great self talk last night and have made a few decisions about myself and about my job. The first decision that I made is that I need to stop making myself so available to those people who do not know what the concept of being a "friend" is and I have made myself available to many of those type of people at work. That will come to a halt. My job is not to be everyone's friend. My job is to do my very best at what I do, keep a positive attitude, collect my pay, go home. No more no less. I no longer can emotionally afford to keep giving to others not to receive anything but pain in return.

My second decision is to do the same with anyone outside of work. All of the friends that I have now are wonderful, reliable, and honest. Those are the type of people I want to continue having in my life. Those individuals who come into my life that prove that they can not be trusted will not gain my friendship, or even my attention.

Third, I am a beautiful person, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I am going to stop belittling and berating myself and focus on the positive aspects of who I am instead of dwelling on the negative. That which you think you can achieve, you will become.

Fourth, I am going to stop putting so much energy out to those who do nothing but take it and expect more. I can not continue to keep giving and giving and expecting to give more.

Fifth, I need to find my "space" again within my own home. That is a project I will be doing this Sunday.

All in all, the day is starting out great with these positive reinforcements.


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