Friday, September 05, 2003

Dear Diary Friday....

This is how it has started already....I woke up and spent some of my morning, like I do each morning, watering all of my herbs and plants on our porch. Finished up and turned around and the sky had opened up and was letting loose with buckets of rain! Okay, it was funny.

I woke up this morning with a different out look to the day. After a very emotional day at work yesterday, thanks to Tonster making me cry loud enough that everyone in her department ran away, I have realized that there are reasons why I have weeded out problems in my life. Life is short and every day and every moment should be cherished and enjoyed, not fretted over with stress. I have several very close friends that I love more than oxygen, which I am thankful for. The days are gone where I need to surround myself with dozens on top of dozens of indivduals, "friends", who know little to nothing of who I truly am. Gone are the days where I need to always be the strong one, and I now can enjoy letting my guard down, being who I truly am.....a mean, yet tough, bitch. Gone are the days where I give my time, my respect, my love without needing it returned. I am a beautiful, vibrant creature and I deserve it in return. If you do not have time for me, do not expect it to be given to you. If you do not allow me into your life fully, do not expect to be allowed into mine. I have surrounded myself with people who I would go to, without question, at any time....just to give them a hug. And those are the people I need around me, deserve around. I am truly blessed.

I told you I woke up in a weird mood......


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