Friday, May 16, 2003

Dear Diary Friday...


Start your weekend off with knowing that my Toni is PERFECT! Her biopsy came back and they discovered that she is as close to normal as a monkey-alien lovin' freak can be.....big ol' wipe the sweat off of your brow and jump around naked for joy!

Day did not start off very good. I woke up, popped my birth control into my mouth, went out to the kitchen to start my morning routine and all of a sudden.....I was running to the bathroom, trying hard not to vomit! Apparently when I popped my birth control into my mouth, it lodged itself on the back of my throat and disolved and the minute it touched my tongue, the taste of the chemicals almost made me loose it! I was throwing water into my mouth trying to stop it from coming back up, I was brushing my teeth and my tongue in between fits of gagging...oh, it was wonderful!! I tried to eat breakfast, but I just could not get it down, so I just continued on with my routine, came into work, started working and THEN I got hungry!! So, big ol' McDonald breakfast for me!!

Second bad thing of the day already....put on Mary Kaye fake tanner last night......kinda did not get it even....kinda have some streaks.....kinda have streaks in between my fingers....... But at least I am laughing about it. Will be doing it all over again tonight before bed so I can even out ALL of the streaks to one nice look. I must say, however, that out of all of the fake tanners I have used, this one ACTUALLY makes it look tan, no orange! BONUS!!!!


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