Saturday, August 11, 2001

HAHAHAHA...Fuck you all, 'cept Scottie and honey-bunny! The Knee Fairy came and she made it all better, as well as the Little Toe Fairy and came and made my toe better! See Grace, that is why you had to go with modern medicine, you don't have the FAITH! The Fairies talked about you.....they don't want you in their circle anymore!!!!

Anyways, work was good yesterday. I got to leave at 9:30!! WOOOHHHOOOOOO for me!!! I actually came home and sand two tables, pre-stained two tables, stained two tables, so it wasn't like I got to sit around and be a slug. SOOOOO, I was planning on doing that today, ain't happening!!! I have already done 3 loads of laundry, put another coat on the two tables, rearranged my den AGAIN because a few things were bothering me, and did a few tests on some stem cells I had lying around. No cure for stupidity yet, but we are close!!!! So after I finish typing this, I am gonna go make some breakfast!!! So far all I have consumed this morning is my two gingko, my multivitamin, my vitamin C, my multi vitamin b, my cod liver pill, and two Xenadrine.....don't think that is too healthy, but that's ME!!!

Scottie, I SWEAR I am about ready to jump in the car for and come and kick some male/female ass!!! This is getting to be too much for even ME! Tell "him" to get the hell out because you need some space and tell "Her" to mind her own P's and Q's! Better yet, don't say anything to her....she is pathetic because she is still reading into your life, hoping to find tidbits of her on your blog. Quit writing about her unless it is in code. Like every time you want to talk about her use something like "Well today, the C**T was giving me crusties ( I used that word because I know how much Dee and Michelle Poor like it!!!!).

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! I am going to go and see the Others and hopefully get so scared I pee on my honey-bunny!!!

Has it dawned on anybody yet that there are only a few days left until October???????????????


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