Monday, August 06, 2001

Oh my gosh, INSIGHT!!!!!

Well, honey-bunny's mommy let me borrow her book about working out...."BODY FOR LIFE" (nobody role your damn eyes unless you want them poked out!) and it is actually insightful. It explains how to optimize your workout (should be no longer than 46 minutes if you are doing it correctly and you do it 6 times a week and you get a FREE DAY), explains how to eat properly (6 meals a day, portion size, one FREE DAY). Well, just got back from the gym and tonight was my AEROBIC NIGHT and it kicked my ASS!! I loved it! I can't believe how such a simple book, with simple instructions, could actually work. Well, I know this is only my first night, but it felt good....I hurt like a son of a bitch and am tired, but it feels good. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Guess what else? The folks are going again for their annual trip to Oregon to visit the brother and so I get to take care of the zoo while they are gone. POSSIBLY thinking about having a few people over to watch movies, but we will see. I don't try to plan a lot because I get exhausted running this house hold and usually burn myself out doing "projects" and "cleaning". But my honey-bunny will get to come and baby sit me for awhile, so that will be least until we get into our annual fist-fight and I kick his ass out of my house!!!

Work ended on a positive note. The pit-boss told everybody on the account that I was the "unofficial official supervisor" and that is why I get to be bossy. Guess it had nothing to do with me just being a bitch. Damn.............


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