Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dear Diary Wednesday...

Yep, I have been a slackass about keeping my blog up to date. Don't reall give a flying fuck either!

Birthday came and went shitty as it normally is. It is an "off" year when my b-day actually happens and is fun. I have never been big on celebrating my own birthday (LOVE to celebrate other people's birthdays) and I am sure it is because I can almost guarantee something bad is going to happen. So here is how yesterday went.....came in to work and it was an absolute catastrophe and I ended up arguing with my manager all day long. And then I got a really good migraine due to the storm coming in. And then I went home and Dylan was feeling lousy so I got to make dinner for him and exciting fried egg sandwich! He then went back to bed and so I went over to my folks house and hung out there for a couple of hours. I came home, thinking I was exhausted, took a bath and ended up not falling asleep for even one minute last night. Yep, yesterday was shitty and I have no doubt in my heart that today will follow in it's path. I am so freakin' glad that it is over! The only real highlight to yesterday was thanks to Toni and her wonderful rendition of "Happy Birthday", which was actually the only thing that made me smile all day. Thanks again Tonster.

Today I am going to go and visit the doctor for a little medical issue I am having and then I hope to go home and maybe, just MAYBE, actually fall into a deep and uninterrupted slumber. But then again......


At 7:53 AM , Blogger LZ said...

Hi Lorene!!

Thanks for posting a comment on our blog! We love to know who's reading about us.

Happy Birthday! I will meeze you a Happy Birthday tune if you'd like.



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