Thursday, June 05, 2008

Dear Diary Thursday...

I woke up in not only the crankiest mood ever, but EXHAUSTED. I have been walking up every morning after 1:00am and am unable to go back to sleep. Last night I fell asleep for a couple of hours, woke up and was up for an hour, fell asleep and up again at 1:44am and have been asleep ever since. I know I will eventually fall apart and get some exhausted sleep....BUT CAN'T IT BE SOON??!!

Couple that with horrible feelings of guilt as I may have accidentally helped in ending a friends divorce...and when I thought I was helping. I hope I was not the cause, or the key, but the guilt is still there. And if you know anything about me, I usually do not have any kind of heart or soul and do not feel pangs of remorse, regret, or this is not something I am enjoying AT ALL!!!

And, as much as I am enjoying the rain, I am hoping it stops long enough for me to mow my grass! Last week, between the front and the back, I filled up an entire LARGE garbage can with clippings.


At 1:55 PM , Blogger Alana said...

Lorene.. do not feel a second of remorse. You have no idea the good that has and will come from what happened. In fact I said just the other day that I so owe you a drink and a bouquet of flowers for what you have done for me. So since I think I will be spending a LOT more time in WVC soon.. I need you to call me so I can seriusly buy you that drink and tell you some shit.

At 6:24 PM , Blogger Lorene said...

WVC! You are coming home to here! WOOOO HOOOO!!! We are so gonna catch up on a bunch of shit and drunkness that we have missed together over the years. I expect a big bottle of everclear cherries....if your Mom still makes those!! You have my cell me really soon!

At 12:07 PM , Blogger Alana said...

I dont have your # I suck.. mine is above and in the email I sent..
whatcha doing Sunday??


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