Monday, April 23, 2007

Dear Diary Monday...

It was a WONDERFUL weekend!

It started with me leaving work early on Friday and going to pick up my Daddy's taxes and then Dylan and I were off! We had lunch, went and bought a new TV for the bedroom, did some shopping for Costco, just a lot of running around. Saturday we went and bought plants, shopped for my clothes, bought some CD's had a really wonderful day and then we watched the pay-per-view UFC was FUN! Sunday we got up and I mowed the lawn before it decided to rain, Dylan got our grocery shopping done and then we just RELAXED the entire day until he had to go to work. It was the perfect weekend for us....spending lots and lots of time together and just getting some necessary (and unnecessary) stuff done and enjoying it. The only "bad" part of the weekend is when Helga decided to run up the stairs and ran INTO the stairs with her nose and mouth. She had a bit of a bloody nose and a little blood on one of her teeth, but I called the emergency vet and got an idea of what a concussion looks like, and she didn't have one and seems to be doing just fine today. Poor baby!!!

I am in a much better frame of mind this week and I feel I will be much more productive at work AND at home. I just needed a weekend to reset my attitude, I believe!


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