Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dear Diary Thursday...

The dog kennel is COMPLETE! Dylan and I spent a little over an hour yesterday afternoon putting the fencing on the kennel, securing everything....and I was very impressed with our accomplishment. Not trying to brag, but we make a damn good team! AND, Coal and Helga did not seem to unhappy with it.....thanks to getting lots and lots of treats. Oh and speaking of Coal, my baby has a cold!! He is snotting everywhere, is phlegmy, and you can tell he just does not feel well. He will be visiting the doctor today for a shot in the bum.

Topic of conversation at lunch yesterday....and we had two....the first was Forgiving and Forgetting. I found, to my delight as I thought I was a freak, that many people believe in Forgiving (as I do) but do not "forget". Why, you may ask....and this was the discussion yesterday....if you forget, it opens you up to having the same issue repeated. I have tried to do the "forgive and forget" did my friends, and each one of us had an experience that we could relate to the others about having that same issue repeated on us. Why would you put your hand into a cupboard to get a cookie, having the cupboard door slammed on your hand, and then turn around and forgive the cupboard door, forget about the issue, and STICK YOUR FUCKING HAND IN THE CUPBOARD AGAIN KNOWING YOUR HAND WAS GOING TO BE SLAMMED IN THE DOOR?! I forgive, we are all human, we are all fallible, we all make mistakes, I am not above forgiving. But I won't forget....I don't care who you are (ask my family) because I won't allow having the same thing happen to me. Nobody likes getting their feelings hurt....and I won't allow them to be hurt repeatedly by the same person over the SAME FUCKING ISSUE. Nope, just can't do it. I have removed people from my lives for this (see previou posts about my sister) and I will also remove you from my life if you decide that you can hurt my feelings by doing a variety of different things. It was a really interesting discussion....I absolutely loved it!

The second part was me being a Wiccan, which I take very seriously and to heart. I have a friend at work that just discovered I was a Witch and she is VERY interested in learning about. Why? Because she was raised very LDS/Christian and had some VERY negative experiences with "witchcraft" and instead of taking those experiences as gospel and not wanting anything to do with me, because of her experiences, she wants to LEARN about Wicca and about the truth of it. What a novel idea! This woman is soooooo open to learning about new things that she is actually wanting to READ about Wicca so she can get a better understanding of ME and my spirituality. I LOVE HER! How often do you come across people that were raised with a certain ideology, have had horrific (and I am not exaggerating by using that word) experiences with "witchcraft" (It was not Wicca she had an experience with, but a clinically insane person who did bad things in the name of "witchcraft" to her and her siblings) but wants to truly learn and understand WHAT Wicca is. Again, she has yet to stop impressing me.


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