Friday, November 24, 2006

Dear Diary Friday...

Happy Day After Thanksgiving!! I hope everyone had a wonderful, wonderful day!!

Thanksgiving was pretty darn calm for me, other than I didn't feel very good. My Mom and I made a splendid spread and everyone seemed to have enjoyed it. I was home by 6:00 and I finally went and just put my jammies on and laid down. I didn't fall asleep for a long time but my feet and body didn't feel a bit good, so it was nice to just be in the dark and relax.

Today I am work and not really minding it. I have a feeling I won't be here long today, as they were taking names of who would prefer to go home early on the day after T day, the day before Christmas or the day after Christmas. I think I would prefer to go home early today, as I would like to get a few things done.

Much love out to Toni with being sick on Thanksgiving. Hope you are feeling much, much better and give Grandpa a hug for me as well!


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