Thursday, November 17, 2005

Dear Diary Thursday...

Oh geez, what a week!! I feel asleep twice on the way home from work yesterday and that has to be the most frightening feeling in the entire world!! I ended up turning on my air conditioning and aiming it at my neck to keep myself awake the rest of the way home. Then when I got home, I climbed into a tub of hot water because I was freezing, Dylan made us dinner, I kept smelling smoke (first sign of migraine) and then I just went to bed. I was in bed and mostly asleep by 5:45 last night...and the migraine woke me up at about midnight. Now today I have plugged ears, a touch of a sore throat, but more energy than I know what to do with! I am sure that the sore throat and ears are due to the pressure changes in the air and the air conditioned drive home. Gawd, that is what I am hoping for since I don't want a sickness to ruin my weekend, nor do I have time to be sick until after the holidays!!!!


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