Friday, August 27, 2004

Dear Diary Friday...

New day, new attitude. Plus waking up to the smell of Autumn in the air does wonders for me every year...

I have seen a lot of bad in me this week, have been down a road that I have not been down in a long time and have thought thoughts I never thought would enter my head again. All have made me realize how strong I can be by myself and how I can get through any situation on my own means and by my own power. I am my strongest fan. The help of my friends has been awesome as well and I thank all of you for your continuous kicks in the ass this week.

One thing I have been struggling with is the exhaustion I feel from coming home after a long day of work, going to the gym, then getting home again to cooking and cleaning. I have decided that I can't do that EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and so I won't anymore. Some nights you just have to curl up with a good book and take time out for yourself, to recharge your energy, and I will be doing that from now on.

Ah, and thank goodness that I have a wonderful weekend to look forward to. I get to hang out with Toni on Saturday at the Meat Fest and the remainder of my weekend is going to be doing things that I want to do. I have some Fall plants I need to get in the ground, I need to go and get some new work pants because I have had a couple of them ruined, I probably will pick up some new Fall sweaters, and what else....who knows.


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