Sunday, December 21, 2003

Dear Diary Sunday....

What a weekend! I have not accomplished nearly everything I wanted to do, but the day is not over yet!

Friday they let us leave at 4:00, but since I was in there at 6:00 it was not really leaving early for me. The X-Mac party was nicer than I expected. They had the luncheon catered by Honey Baked Hams and the company gave each of us a $50 gift certificate for Target, which I thought was very nice. After I left there, Dylan and I met up with the Netzlers for dinner at Tony Romas, which was a whole bunch of fun. The Netzlers then drove with us over to Furniture Warehouse to pick up dealing gift for his mom's Christmas....A beautiful bookcase. We then delivered it to dealing house and I was finally taken home....I had succeeded in getting a micron through dinner.

Saturday Dylan and I got together earlier than normal to go see "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King". Our movie was at 11:00 and we got there at 9:30 and they were already seating us, which was nice. The movie was awesome in every aspect, but you sure do feel like you are sitting there for 3 1/2 hours. We then did a little bit of Christmas shopping and then went over to Chet and Shane's for dinner and to see their beautiful new home...And I believe that "beautiful" is truly an understatement. Shane and Chet have built such a magnificent structure that is decorated as if you are walking into a showroom or a catalogue of great taste. The difference is, you feel the love, the warmth, the joy emanating through this home. It was wonderful.

Today, I am delivering packages to my family, doing Petsmart shopping, and some cleaning when I get home....I hope. I have just a little bit more Christmas shopping to do, which should be accomplished today. It is just odds and ends and if I don't get the gifts, I won't be too heartbroken.

One thing I have noticed over the last couple of weeks has been irritating me, so here I am venting again. I have discovered from talking to a person at great lengths over the last couple of weeks, how totally involved and self absorbed this person is. If I mention a group I am listening to, they have to give their criticism and a "I can't believe you like them, they are such a rip off of such and such group." If I discuss a book, they have to give a criticism of the author. The discussions never really involve me or my thoughts or my opinions, unless I am totally prepared to be criticized for them. Oh, and god help if I mention that I have a headache or something. This person can not understand what it means for others not to feel good because it is a huge inconvenience to their schedule. I guess that is what is bothering me the nothing I say is important to this person, nothing I do is important to this person UNLESS it directly effects this person in some way. I guess I am not irritated as much as I am saddened.


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