Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Dear Diary Tuesday...

Having a "day" that actually started last night. I'm very tired, all emotional. I am exhausted from being disgusted and hurt by "friends". I am exhausted by allowing myself to be continually taken emotionally advantage of. I am tired of always putting myself "out there" for other people, only to be used as an emotional punching bag. I am tired of letting people feed off of my energy. I am tired of being me. I would like to be somebody else for awhile...not sure who I would like to be, but just somebody else. It is going to be a day where I am just going to stay to myself, for everybody elses safety. I have so much on my mind right now and feel that I can turn nowhere....everybody has their own problems. It is just one of those days that I did not feel the worth of waking up. Hope this feeling goes away soon.

Oh, and I have somebody visiting my backyard at night and leaving our back gate open. That makes me feel safe.....


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