Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Toni's fault......

Maybe I had a bad morning with not sleeping last night, maybe the damn pimp co-worker irritated me into insanity, maybe it was just overload of stress...BUT I SERIOUSLY DID NOT MEAN TO CAUSE A COMPLETE BREAK OF INSANITY TO ALL OF THE PEOPLE SITTING AROUND TONI....HONEST!!!

It all started by Toni coming over to tell me that the courts had ruled that the Pledge of Allegiance was unconstitutional and she was irritated by the idiots on the other side of the wall from her going on and on and on like hens about how horrible it was. I then went over to her area and down an entire length of cubies proceeded to say LOUDLY, "Hey Toni! Did you hear that they made the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional?" Of course then, her zealous, right-wing, Christian co-worker proceeded to start saying "That is BULLSHIT!" To which Toni and I argued that it is a division of church and state, that they should remove "god" from the pledge of allegiance as it is impeding on others' beliefs (athiests, other non-christian religions, etc) and the best come back she could come up with is "Bullshit????" Oh and then she said to me, "It is illegal to have the pledge of allegiance in schools but there it is okay for guns and killing!" To which I responded with, "What the hell school do your kids go to?" And of course she came up with ...' What do you mean! Oh, you know what I meant...." And I responded with "Well, the last time I checked it was not illegal for the pledge but it is still illegal for guns and killing to occur in schools and you are comparing two completely different subjects!" And she couldn't she stomped away! While she was gone, the other side of the cubies proceeded to then bring up that it is unconstitutional to take away the right to pray in school....and Toni and I pointed out that they have a moment of silence and you can do any type of prayer to any entity you would like and not offend anybody...and they shut up.....

Well, after I finally left...which keep in mind that this whole incident only lasted about 2 minutes, Toni's freaky ass co-worker came back to argue with Toni....and how stupid was that! She proceeded to tell Toni that she didn't know her "history" and when Toni explained to her that the original Pledge of Allegiance did NOT include "under God" the co-workers response was "Nuh uh!"" Yep, we work the smart folk!!!

So, yeah, I guess I am going to hell. I have decided that in my last life I was either a lion, leopard, or a hyena because the moment I smell weakness...I go after it with jagged teeth, play with the idiot for awhile, and then destroy it!


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