Monday, July 16, 2001

Oh Michelle...if you don't update that damn blog of yours!!!!!!!

I watched two movies this weekend and now I am going to share them with you! The first was "The Unbreakable" which I didn't find any surprise ending with it, but it was very entertaining, in a slow fashion. One that I would recommend for a Sunday afternoon. The other was "Dracula 2000" which I enjoyed immensly. The Dracula/Judas character was a hottie, which is always a plus to watching a movie, and the story was a different twist on the old "dracula" theme. I definatly recommend that one as well for a Sunday afternoon. Oh, and we also went and got Cheese Popcorn from the mall....that was a bonus to the weekend. Can you tell that my weekend was VERY uneventful! All I can say is that it was a great weekend because I got to relax with my honey-bunny....and it was nice just to do that and be with him.

Oh, and I cut my hair off.

As for Connie....should I be concerned that you are still getting red flecks in your bathtub water? I don't think that is stain, I think that your hair is still peeling from the Ronald McDonald Hair Dye of 100 years ago (Wink, Wink!). Please make sure that you give JJ my love and tell her how sorry I am about the car...I can completely empathize since I love cars so damn much! Tell her I will be sending some blessings her way...not sure if they have one for a new cool car, but I can try!!!!!!


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