Monday, October 23, 2006

Dear Diary Monday...

Holy shit I am glad the weekend is over!!!

Thursday I took the day off from work and Dylan and I scrubbed the entire house down! It was insane!! We just took out time and did some MUCH needed cleaning, laundry, vacuuming, and decorating. It was just nuts!

Friday we got up early and took the dogs in to be groomed, grabbed some breakfast, and got all of our grocery shopping done for the party. We then picked up the dogs and did some running around...just something fun to relax ourselves and spend the day together. We went to Rodizio for dinner and then hit the sack early as we were both exhausted.

Saturday was THE DAY. We spent the day setting up for the party, cooking, organizing, and last minute shopping. We then had our friends (AND THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR COMING!) arrive and ate, watched movies, and most of all, just spent some great time with great people. After the festivities had been completed, Dylan and I spent a couple of hours cleaning the house back up, taking out the garbage, and just putting things back in their proper place so that we wouldn't have to do it in the morning.

Sunday....was a weird day! I was up a great deal of the night after the party not feeling very well and just not able to sleep, so I eventually just got up for the day and went downstairs to sit in front of the tv. Now, keep in mind that I didn't go to bed until 1:00 am, was completely sick and out off bed from 2:00 am until 4:00 am and got up at 6:30 am. Dylan got up around 8:00 and joined me downstairs....and we literally did not move the entire was pathetic. We watched all of the TiVo and just relaxed. Dylan got some much needed, and well deserved sleep all day.

So, off to the start of another FANTASTIC week. My attitude is going to be much better this week and I am going to start to work on some "self projects" that I have been putting off. Time for me this week!


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