Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dear Diary Sunday...

Happy Belated Turkey Day to everyone!!!!

Thanksgiving was interesting. I spent the day over to my folks house cooking and Dylan ended up going to his Aunt's house to cook. My Daddy managed to break his foot yet STILL managed to be under mine the whole day! After the food was gone, the house cleaned up, I took off at a run back to my house, where I did an emergency call out to some people to come to my house and get liquored up with me because I needed a strong drink and didn't want to do it alone. Low and behold, Shane, Chet, Toni, Rob, Jeremy, Michelle, and Dylan all heard my call.....we ordered pizza, drank strong drinks, and managed to make it a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving after all!!

Unfortunately, in all that festivities, Dylan and I both managed to get sick. His is stomach related and mine was cold related....not the way I wanted to spend the rest of my time off. Friday we attempted to go out and X-mas shop, but ended up coming back to the house, but stopping to pick up cold medicine before. However, I decided after spending Saturday sick, that I was tired of being sick and so no longer am.

Wasn't waking up to snow this morning wonderful!!!! Dylan and I both shoveled our house and then I took care of my folks place, so my Father-With-The-Broken-Foot would not attempt to shovel....which we all know he would. Then I did some cleaning, some baking, some reading, and some relaxing.

Speaking of reading, I came across the very best article that I have read in a very long time. The basics of the article is how that we spend our precious moments celebrating everything and nothing. The fact that we have so much in our life should be enough to celebrate any chance you get. I love that idea! It also talks about putting some of that "happy celebration" in reserves and when a situation comes up that would normally just bring you right down, take some of that out of reserve. I love the idea of taking out your best goblets just to have iced tea with friends, or your best china to have everyday foods with everyone. Why not????? Sometimes those kind of articles just come to me when I need them the most.

Okay, keep your fingers crossed for me. I have an interview on Tuesday and I am so excited about getting my feet wet again in the employment hunt. Call me strange, call me weird, call my crazy, but I love interviews and job hunting.....especially when I am in a situation that I don't HAVE to look for a job.


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