Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Dear Diary Tuesday...


I got up today and just had no desire to go into work, but here I am. I have a headache, my throat feels scratchy, my nose won't stop running, and I have the chills. Yes, I know I am probably coming down with something again but I am fighting it. I am so tired of being sick and I know it is due to my work place! Everybody here is sick, coughing, sneezing, puking and we just keep passing it back to each other.

Last night was a very productive evening. Dylan and I got all of our Christmas put away, we both went to the gym, and then I did some little things around the house that needed to be done while Dylan went to gas up my vehicle and take the movies back. Then we cuddled in bed and talked for a while, then I read, then I passed out only to sleep a very unrestful, fitful sleep. I am not sure what the deal was, but I woke up feeling like I had not slept even 10 minutes.

Tonight is going to be another night at the gym and then I plan on going to bed very, very early. I think I can have one night this week where I do nothing and I have decided that tonight is the night. I will eat, I will bathe, and then I will pass out.

Send some energy to me...I don't want to be sick again.....


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