Sunday, December 09, 2001

Good weekend again.....

It was a busy weekend, but a good one. I spent Friday shopping. I was out of the house by 9:00 am and got back at 9:00 pm. An entire 12 hour period with my mother and I am still not finished. I am shopping, shopping, shopping....and no Christmas spirit.

Spent Saturday decorating the outside of the house with my Daddy...then over to Danny and Mat's for the Christmas party/b-day party. It was a helluva lot of fun and I truly enjoyed spending the evening with most everybody that was there.

Spent today with Dylan Christmas shopping...again, no Christmas spirit. I had to have him bring me home early because I started to feel really crappy. I jumped in the tub, took a very hot bath with eucalyptus oil and I seem to be okay now. I think I just finally wore myself down after putting in so many hours at work and then a non-stop weekend. Oh well... it was fun.


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