Wednesday, May 02, 2001

Today is a day that all I feel like is a "convenience item." Does anybody else have days like that? I know it is a pity trip, but I feel that my reason in this lifetime is to "be there" for everybody else, to make myself available whenever somebody needs something, especially the family. Regardless of what I am doing, I am to drop everything and take care of their problems. Maybe it is the rainy day outside, maybe it is too much diet Coke, who knows. Not looking for sympathy, because that would just piss me off. Ah hell, enough about that shit.

Going to go and work out tonight. I am really enjoying doing the treadmill for an hour plus every other day and I think I will be throwing in swimming as well. Like the "high" I have been getting. Also have incorporated stretching in the morning. Is it me getting old that I am enjoying working out this much? Am I seeing my mortality? Ah hell, another ramble........


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